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452-498 University Way, a TS2 conversion (No CC)

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Uploaded: 18th Oct 2023 at 5:04 AM
Updated: 20th Oct 2023 at 6:22 AM
Boy oh boy, I'm not sure how ya get front-side views without neighborhood deco in the way. Yet another Sim State University community lot, this time the shops long University way, and let me tell you, this one was an awkward conversion. Many of the amenities offered by the TS2 version are completely lacking in Sims 4 (looking at you, groceries, video game purchase stands, and pinball machines), but I did my best to recreate them.

There's a bar, an arcade, a...sad little grocery store, a computer lounge, and a foosball and ping-pong room, and a nice little seat outside with a grill.

I used several debug items, so that's probably why it's flagging as including CC when I definitely didn't use CC. The lot itself is 40x30.