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Myos F07, Natural Retextures

3,442 Downloads 524 Thanks  Thanks 39 Favourited 62,379 Views
Uploaded: 20th Aug 2008 at 9:10 PM
Updated: 12th Oct 2008 at 9:02 PM
4 Natural retextures of Myos F07 mesh, it's an old mesh so the uvmapping is kind of not so good.. that means that the textures are pixelated and kind of blurry, but I did all I could!

I also removed the weird crown barette thingy, I didn't think it fit with every sim, and this one does it kind of more.

All ages, color binned and family linked. Only one grey file for elders and everything is compressed and have been named a recognizable name!

Eyebrows, Make-up: Rensim
Moles: Simenroute @ Insim
Eyes, Skin and Tees: Myself =D

Hope you like it