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Spooky Old Plantation Manor Hotel

867 Downloads 128 Thanks  Thanks 7 Favourited 19,094 Views
Uploaded: 13th Sep 2009 at 5:18 AM
I made this lot for a story I never got around to finishing.

A spooky old worn down plantation home converted to a hotel.
There are *a lot* of walls and a couple carpets in this home. For each of the walls, I had included two or three ripped/worn panels to go with the sets. If you don't want all the walls, just use the clean installer. =)
The garden area looks really cool.

I made this lot haunted, but not sure if the ghosts will show up for you. I thought it was pretty cool how you can make a hotel haunted! =D

* Room Prices

There are four rooms available. Two of them cost 947.00 each per night. These two particular rooms, I thought it would be interesting to add the really mysterious bookcase.. which sort of joins the rooms together if a sim reads the proper book. I haven't tested that aspect so I don't know how it will work out.

The third room rents for 474.00 per night.

The fourth room has me baffled. It is the only room with a single bed, but says it rents for approx 3400.00 per night. o.O

Lot Size: 6x4
Lot Price: 198,383

Custom Content by Me:
- wall
- wall
- wall
- wall
- wall
- wall
- wall
- cracked wall
- cracked wall outside
- cracked wall
- cracked old wall
- ripped carpet
- ripped 2
- wall
- ripped wall
- wall
- ripped 1
- wall
- floor carpet red
- floral print ripped
- chipped outer wall
- chipped
- wall
- floral print
- wall
- wall
- Chipped 1
- wall
- wall
- chipped wall
- with rip
- wall
Additional Credits:
MTS and staff