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Forest Mural

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Uploaded: 3rd Feb 2014 at 8:28 PM
I was creating a spa and gym lot for Moonlight Falls and wanted a pretty mural along the back wall. Except I couldn't find one I liked. I cloned the mural walls from Generations and created my own set of walls using a picture from Skyrim. The package contains 4 separate walls that, when placed side by side, create a lovely mural. The walls are seamless so you can continue the mural for as long as your wall happens to be. Because they are cloned from a Generations wall, you will need that expansion pack for these to show up.

Wall Information:
  • All 4 pieces are in "Wall Sets"
  • ยง15 apiece
  • 1 recolorable channel, like the Generations walls
Known issue: These walls do join with other walls that have the same height baseboards. However, EA did not include much of a shadow on the mural walls. Combined with how dark the bottom of my mural is, the baseboards can look a little flat. They look better with a grained wood pattern. I included a picture for comparison.

Additional Credits:
HystericalParoxysm who wonderfully helped edit the edges so these walls would be truly seamless.