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DEFAULT-aflooseneckdress with sentate jeans

3,464 Downloads 73 Thanks  Thanks 19 Favourited 5,785 Views
Uploaded: 4th Jun 2022 at 2:29 PM
Updated: 4th Jun 2022 at 8:07 PM
I do like this outfit but I hardly use it because of the boots. It threw me off. This is a default of the afbodylooseneckdress using Sentate Cassandra Goth's Fall Mini Collection-jeans. The original boots are dark brown. I toned it down a little bit to a kind of black colour. Belts are all black.

Custom files are included. Both default and custom are for adult and young adult female. Hidden for female elders.

Hands up for still playing The Sims2!

Faces - 2246
Vertices - 1689

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