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CAS Lighting Edit

2,826 Downloads 92 Thanks  Thanks 42 Favourited 8,932 Views
Uploaded: 23rd Nov 2023 at 7:28 PM
Updated: 23rd Nov 2023 at 7:42 PM
This is a tiny little INI mod that modifies how the lighting looks in CAS mode.

This CAS lighting is less flat than EA’s default, with defined shadows that draw attention to the Sim’s face and add depth to their features, overall making them more faithful to what they’ll look like during gameplay. It also happens to make the mirror reflection just a little more bearable to look at! :P

  • This mod is compatible with all your usual world lighting mods, since they edit completely different resources.
  • This mod is incompatible with any mods that edit the CustomLightRigging _INI resource. AFAIK, the only other mod like this that’s out there at the moment is criisolatex's lovely Pure CAS Lighting Mod, which I recommend if you prefer a more stylized, silky-smooth look.

Credits & Thanks
  • s3pe: Exporting/Importing resources, creating the package file.
  • Notepad++: Editing the .ini file.
  • Adobe Photoshop 2024: Creating the preview images.
  • Thanks to MissPat, antoninko, SimplySlow and ZorA for testing and giving feedback!
  • Thanks to the lovely community at TS3 Creators Cave!