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The Invisible Phone

181 Downloads 55 Thanks  Thanks 0 Favourited 22,750 Views
Uploaded: 20th Jul 2005 at 1:24 PM
Updated: 14th Sep 2005 at 9:51 PM - Info about Prototype B
NOTE (9/14/05): THIS IS EP2-READY! It does not modify any BHAVs or alphas anymore. I don't have EP2 yet, but I know for a fact that it works with Nightlife.
My first hacked object. This is a prototype of my magic mirror phone, which came out invisible. I am fixing that as I speak. The Magic Mirror Phone was originally requested by NicoleShields. I cound not get a screenshot, mine are fuzzy (and the fact that this object is invisible). Please post a screenshot, downloaders, because mine are coming out fuzzy.. The shadow still shows up so it can be placed and found.