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Fun and Splash Public Pool

2,416 Downloads 156 Thanks  Thanks 35 Favourited 14,782 Views
Uploaded: 24th Nov 2013 at 6:28 AM
You know what really grinds my gear?
No Public Pool in Bridgeport
Unless you say "Why you need a public pool when you have a Poolside Club?" that would be stupid when you bring you kids there just for swimming.
Because this is build for Bridgeport, Its only need LateNight EP. (It also fits with other Neighborhood too!)
But if you have Island Paradise and Generations, you can easily place Pool Bar or Pool Slide there.

Lot Detail:
Lot size: 20x30
Total Lot Price:
41,423 Furnished
35,745 Unfurnished

Lot assignment: Pool

Late Night

Have Fun!

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price: 41,423

Additional Credits:
My Friends for testing.
MTS for the BEST CC sharing site EVAR :D