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Oriental Rugs size 7x5

8,821 Downloads 480 Thanks  Thanks 64 Favourited 20,504 Views
Uploaded: 25th Mar 2015 at 1:11 AM
I have to admit - I'm completely addicted to oriental rugs. They are so beautiful, and have such intricate designs and colors and I can pretty much use them in rooms of every style.

They can be considered as pieces of art perfected through 2500 years. I know some oriental rug fanatics often starts with the rug, then chooses the rest of the furnishing to complement the oriental rug.

These oriental rugs comes with 9 different designs.

Cost = ยง 825
You can find them under Decorations > Rugs

Credits: All the people at Sims4Studio! Thanks for making this possible.

Additional Credits:
* Sims 4 Studio
* Gimp