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AF Requests 29: Burbur Ayam & Martabak Minis

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Uploaded: 13th Jun 2016 at 10:44 PM
AF Requests 29: Burbur Ayam and Martabak Minis

Requested by Taliw

This was one request that I had a very hard time trying to figure out. I wasn't provided with any information and that's what made it difficult. However, I somehow managed to try. Here are some treats from Indonesia. As usual you will find these meals in The AF Requests fridge tab.

Burbur Ayam- A popular Indonesian dish that is also known as Chicken Porridge. Burbur Ayam is made
by cooking the rice in a soupy yet lumpy consistency. It is then topped with diced or shredded chicken and is served with veggies, boiled egg, and a runny egg that seems to be enjoyed. This meal is cloned from Mac & Cheese and will take 3 cooking skill. As for the bonuses, the meal can serve up to 8 sims and will fill them. You'll find Burbur Ayam during Breakfast and Lunch time. I wasn't sure if this was a
breakfast or lunch meal so I just made the meal available for both eating periods.


Prep bowl-36
From Fridge-790
In bowl-460

Martabak Minis- Here is another cute popular dish that seems basic to make. Upon research, I found out that it's made like pancakes for the only exception that it's cooked in a special skillet. The skillet is Constructed to cook the shape of the Martabaks. Once the batter is finished baking, it is in the form of a cup and is served with nuts, candies, fruits, or cheese. Your sims will find this treat during lunch and will be able to serve 12 sims. I'm guessing this will be perfect for a party. Your sims will need about 300 cooking skill to make this. I cloned this from pancakes and didn't do much to skill points required.


Prep bowl-36
From Fridge-488
In plate-598

Additional Credits:
Giving my thanks to Simpe,Milkshape 3d, adobe Photoshop, and google images.