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David Anders

46 Downloads 17 Thanks  Thanks 0 Favourited 4,953 Views
Uploaded: 1st May 2005 at 5:42 PM
Updated: 12th Aug 2005 at 11:35 PM - Deleted long list of links to my other downloads. If you still wanna see all of my stuff plz follow the instructions on my signature.
Hi :howdy: here is David Anders as requested by TheSimSariah. David Anders has been in many T.V. shows including Alias (he plays Sark), CSI, So Little TIme, and Charmed. He is a very talented actor and not to mention a hottie. Thanks to whoever made the custom content especially whoever did the eyes they were perfect for the project.

Plz vote and leave comments. If you have a request PM me. Enjoy!
