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Novel Writing Improved

1,586 Downloads 85 Thanks  Thanks 14 Favourited 7,354 Views
Uploaded: 30th Jan 2023 at 9:06 AM
Updated: 13th Jan 2024 at 6:29 AM
The phone call with the payout will be made during daytime after a delay. It will be retried up to four times if missed. The author's cellular phone will ring.

Novels can be written on any lot type but need to be finished at home to receive the call. The action will tell the player to return home or purchase a phone if he doesn't have one before the novel gets published.

The completion progress is indicated on the pie menu, with an overhead meter or a text notification if the person hasn't maxed creativity yet. The small daily want to write a novel will be satisfied after half an hour of writing.

The novel clone for the pleasure aspiration called Restaurant Guide has received the same treatment.

Fixes the problem that the cellphone couldn't be used and loss of the reward.

Depends on FreeTime and the book helper object included with it. Only overrides the two writing scripts in the computer, and is compatible with mods that change the computer object in other ways. Other similar mods change the computer's strings.

Game Version: FreeTime and higher.