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As Requested - Psychic Studies Major

212 Downloads 69 Thanks  Thanks 1 Favourited 10,451 Views
Uploaded: 18th Jun 2005 at 10:18 PM
Updated: 28th Jun 2005 at 4:00 AM
This is yet another MzNikkisimz creation. This time, I am doing a Psychic Studies major that was requested in the Major Requests thread. All class times, icons, etc are the same as the psychology najor from which it was cloned. Any problems? Report them back to this thread please. Have fn and happy Simming! :howdy:

Psychic: The study of psychic abilities and their proper use in the fight between good and evil. Your Sim with high logic and in interest in the paranormal should excel in this major!

Psi 100: Basics of psychic abilites
PSI 150: Telepathy 101
PSI 200: ESP & Me: Sensing the Unseen
PSI 259: The world of chakras
Psi 301: The 411 on psi balls and how to create them
PSI 352: The art of teleportation
PSI401: Levitating youself and others
PSI 499: PSI Thesis: Do You Have the Power?

0x000BC904 GUID Based on Psych Major