View Single Post in: No "tsDesignModeEnabled" under the Geometric Node

Lab Assistant
#2 Old 29th Mar 2008 at 8:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Rain 'N David
I have made a stereo, and I used the small Maxis boombox as my clone. I added a subset to the first part of the mesh, and when I got to the part about the geometric node, there was no "tsDesignModeEnabled" option. I've never experienced this before, so I don't know how I can complete the adding of the subset. Is the small Maxis boombox not able to have a subset added if you clone it? Do I have to choose another stereo to clone instead?

It's quite easy to add that option to your GMND yourself. I do it all the time.

1. Go to your GMND and select the 'Edit Blocks' tab at the top.

2. In the drop down box, select cDataListExtension and press the 'add' button

3. Return to the 'Content' tab and select the dropdown list at the top entitled 'Blocklist' (the first entry should say something like, 0x0: thenameofyourobject_tslocator_gmnd)

4. Scroll to the last entry, it should be the only one without a word or name preceding a (cDataListExtension) entry.
Choose that blank entry from the drop down list--this will be your new 'tsDesignModeEnabled' option.

5. Select the tab that says cExtension. On the left side is a field 'Name'. Type tsDesignModeEnabled in this field.

6. In the lower right corner, you'll see another drop down box with 'Array' selected. Click the 'add' text link and a blank Array entry should appear (it will say =(Array) 0 items)

7. Select the blank array in the 'Items' box and type the name of the first subset you want recolorable into the 'Name' field that is to the right of the 'Items' box. Add another array if you want another subset to be recolorable. Click commit

8. Go back to the 'Blocklist' drop down box at the top and select the entry numbered '0x0'.

9. You should see a tab called 'cObjectGraphNode'. Select it and look at the right-hand side.
There is a box titled 'Data List Extension Reference'. Click the 'add' link in this box and a new entry should appear in the box saying '0: 0x00, 0x00'.

11. Selecting this new entry, enter 0x01 into the 'Enabled' field to the right.

12. Just below, there is a field titled 'Index' with 0x00000000 in it. Change the last digit (0x00000000) to whatever number your new tsDesignModeEnabled has in the 'Blocklist' drop down (0x#)

13. Click commit and you're done!