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Field Researcher
#26 Old 10th Apr 2006 at 8:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by dolphin26
No, dizzy's tool doesn't check for global BHAV conflicts, it only checks for GUID conflicts. These are very different things. I would ***LOVE*** a global BHAV conflict scanner.

Um. Yes it does check for global BHAV conflicts. I use it all the time to check for conflicts between my hacks (NOT objects, global behavioural hacks).

I am fairly certain that if you RTFM, there are directions on how to do this. Basically stick the d2Check.exe in a folder with all the hacks that you want to compare. Then open up a command/dos prompt, cd all the way to that directory, and type:

d2Check.exe <output file name>

Then open up the output file and you should see something like this:


File: carpoolbringfrienddialog.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F8F4EB6, Instance = 202D in file nofraternization.package

File: CBOY_nudist.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FEABABA, Instance = 206D in file syberspunk-hottubclothesfix.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F5BA5F7, Instance = 1007 in file syberspunk-poolhack.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F585FFD, Instance = 1002 in file syberspunk-poolhack.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F585FFD, Instance = 1006 in file syberspunk-poolhack.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FB6CAE4, Instance = 1008 in file zvampirecoffinmod.package

File: CBOY_nudist_naked_emitter.package, conflicts:
Type = 4F424A66, Group = 7FA4D046, Instance = 41A7 in file syberspunk-noshockforoutgoingandlovers.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FA4D046, Instance = 1001 in file syberspunk-noshockforoutgoingandlovers.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FA4D046, Instance = 1003 in file syberspunk-noshockforoutgoingandlovers.package

File: check_self_out_adults.package, conflicts:
Type = 54544142, Group = 7F84A9F4, Instance = 1 in file visitorenabledmirrorsdressers.package

File: djssleeponcommunitylots.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F4437F2, Instance = 2002 in file echo_community_sleep.package

File: echo_community_sleep.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F4437F2, Instance = 2002 in file djssleeponcommunitylots.package

File: nofraternization.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F8F4EB6, Instance = 202D in file carpoolbringfrienddialog.package

File: syberspunk-hottubclothesfix.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FEABABA, Instance = 206D in file CBOY_nudist.package

File: syberspunk-noshockforoutgoingandlovers.package, conflicts:
Type = 4F424A66, Group = 7FA4D046, Instance = 41A7 in file CBOY_nudist_naked_emitter.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FA4D046, Instance = 1001 in file CBOY_nudist_naked_emitter.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FA4D046, Instance = 1003 in file CBOY_nudist_naked_emitter.package

File: syberspunk-poolhack.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F585FFD, Instance = 1002 in file CBOY_nudist.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F585FFD, Instance = 1006 in file CBOY_nudist.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7F5BA5F7, Instance = 1007 in file CBOY_nudist.package

File: vampirefixes.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FB6CAE4, Instance = 1002 in file zvampirecoffinmod.package

File: visitorenabledmirrorsdressers.package, conflicts:
Type = 54544142, Group = 7F84A9F4, Instance = 1 in file check_self_out_adults.package

File: WooHooTeens_6f_OFB.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FE10572, Instance = 201B in file zHideTryForBabyOptionsWoohooTeens.package

File: zHideTryForBabyOptionsWoohooTeens.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FE10572, Instance = 201B in file WooHooTeens_6f_OFB.package

File: zvampirecoffinmod.package, conflicts:
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FB6CAE4, Instance = 1002 in file vampirefixes.package
Type = 42484156, Group = 7FB6CAE4, Instance = 1008 in file CBOY_nudist.package
26 conflicts detected.

This provides you a list of which packages have conflicting BHAVs specifying instance. It won't tell you which specific lines in each instance are conflicting (that would be a bit more complex, but if JohnSta's tool can provide this detail, that would be a great improvement!) but it does give you an idea of which packages to look at.

I use this tool all the time, especially when I add new mods that I think may potentially conflict with one of my existing mods. This way, I can custom tailor my mods and incorporate/merge all changes into one.

Field Researcher
#27 Old 10th Apr 2006 at 9:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jaxad0127
Sorry. Inside the downloads folder, they cascade (last wins). Anything loaded in the downloads foldern isn't loaded from the program folder.

OK, let's see if I can get it right this time:

Say I have this structure:


If I understand you correctly, they will get loaded in this order: B2, B1, D1, D2, A, C, E. If they modify the same global resources, later in the list is better, ie E wins for the group as a whole, and B1 wins over B2 because sub-folders are loaded first and therefore can be overwritten more easily.

(On NTFS, of course... obviously FAT is more unpredictable!)
Object(ive) Investigator
retired moderator
#28 Old 10th Apr 2006 at 10:18 PM
According to jase, folders are loaded last, which means in your scenerio, this is the order they would be loaded in: A, C, E, B1, B2, D2 and D1, with D1 winning.

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the appropriate thread.
Systemic Anomaly
#29 Old 16th Apr 2006 at 2:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by JVM
Yes that is the way that FAT32 works, FAT32 is an extension of FAT16 (DOS anyone?) FAT32(16) and everyother FAT files system places the files in the order that they were originally written to the disk. If this issue is popping up in WinXP FAT32 then you will see this problem in Windows ME, and 98SE as well. If people are still using those Operating Systems.

Indeed, Windows XP that has been upgraded from Windows9x/ME suffers this same phenomenon (unless the user did a FAT32-->NTFS conversion).

Quote: Originally posted by jaxad0127
According to jase, folders are loaded last, which means in your scenerio, this is the order they would be loaded in: A, C, E, B1, B2, D2 and D1, with D1 winning.

The parsing of subfolders on a FAT32 system is unclear to me. In testing, the results were not entirely conclusive. It is possible that subfolders on a FAT32 install may be processed in the order they are physically on the disk as well.

For instance:

    |__ File5.package
    |__ File6.package
    |__ File7.package

On XP, the sequence is File1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
On 98, the sequence is less clear, but I *think* it will be 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 7, 4

The only reason I suspect the latter (for FAT32) is that moving the InTeenimater flavor paks (the "late loading" mods) into a subfolder sometimes worked as expected and sometimes didn't. It was sensitive to *which* subfolder the files were placed, making me think the directories themselves are also ordered by physical sequence.

Object(ive) Investigator
retired moderator
#30 Old 16th Apr 2006 at 5:59 PM
Which is why in his test, dolphin26 said NTFS.

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the appropriate thread.
Systemic Anomaly
#31 Old 16th Apr 2006 at 9:44 PM
Right. I was simply expanding upon my earlier remarks by noting on how directory parsing appears to differ on FAT32 systems as well.
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