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#1 Old 11th May 2006 at 11:04 AM
Default How to decrease vertix or faces using 3d max?
hey , I was trying to figure out how to decrease faces by 3d max, for my new obj, but I couldn't ,all I found is smoothing,
so plz any one ,who works on 3d max, tell me
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#2 Old 15th May 2006 at 4:49 PM
You can use the MultiRes modifier. Select the generation parameters you like and click generate. Then you can change the vertex percent or the vertex count value in the resolution section and you will see how many faces the object is reduced. Convert the mesh to editable mesh before exporting it.
#3 Old 16th May 2006 at 4:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Marina
You can use the MultiRes modifier. Select the generation parameters you like and click generate. Then you can change the vertex percent or the vertex count value in the resolution section and you will see how many faces the object is reduced. Convert the mesh to editable mesh before exporting it.

care to make a tutorial?
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#4 Old 16th May 2006 at 7:26 PM
I'm sorry but I don't even have the time to update my webpage. But this is a very easy to use modifier. Just follow this simple steps I found at the net:

Using MultiRes:
* First, determine the object to optimize, and then apply a MultiRes modifier
* Second, click the Generate button. This will calculate how the MultiRes modifier will optimize the object.
Now the object’s resolution can be changed. Under the Vertex Resolution group there are two ways to change the resolution.

* Percent will degrade the object in terms of number of vertexes. Meaning that if the original object had 1000 vertexes, optimizing it 50% will lower the vertex count to 500.

In some situations, the artist is limited to a certain number of vertices, especially in 3d games because, game engines usually impose some kind of a vertex limit. Using MultiRes, the user can specify an exact number of vertices to limit the complexity of the model.

* To set a precise vertex count, change the Count value under the Vertex Resolution group.

It is possible to combine both hand and modifier based optimization. However, when creating models for games, it is far better to plan ahead rather than rely on optimization. The major problem with optimization is it can lose the symmetry of an object, and sometimes it can degrade the quality of the model and optimize the model poorly.
MultiRes preserves the object settings such as mapping and smoothing.

There is more detailed help at the 3ds max reference help that comes with the program.

#5 Old 17th May 2006 at 9:52 AM
interesting. it's easier for me to use poly reducer though it's a plugin you can buy for max.
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