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Test Subject
#151 Old 16th Apr 2005 at 5:16 AM
So far this is what I am seeing

DirectX 7 Transform and Lighting Hardware (No BUMPS)

Geforce 256
Geforce 2
Geforce 4 MX

Radeon 7200, 7500

DirectX 8.0 Shader Model 1.x Hardware (No BUMPS)

Geforce 3
Geforce 4 TI

DirectX 8.1 Pixel Shader 1.4 & Vertex Shader 1.1 (No BUMPS)

Radeon 8500, 9000, 9100, 9200

DirectX 9.0 Hardware Shader Model 2.0 (YES Bump Mapping can be enabled)

Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800

Radeon X300, X600

DirectX 9.0 Hardware Shader Model 2.0a (YES Bump Mapping can be enabled)

All Geforce FX

DirectX 9.0 Hardware Pixel Shader 2.0b & Vertex Shader 2.0 (YES Bump Mapping can be enabled)

Radeon X700, X800

DirectX 9.0c Hardware Shader Model 3.0 (YES Bumpmapping can be enabled by forcing Shader Model 2.0)

Geforce 6200, 6600, 6800

Integrated Graphics Hardware (No BUMPS)

i845G No DX7 Level Without Transform and Lighting

i865G No DX7 Level Without Transform and Lighting, with DX8 level DOT3 Bump Mapping.

Unknown Graphics Hardware

i915G Unknown DX9 Complaint, has Pixel Shader 2.0, but not Vertex Shader 2.0.
Test Subject
#152 Old 16th Apr 2005 at 5:48 AM
I have a NVDIA GeForce 6800 and i have a problem forcing ShaderModel 2.0 in The Sims 2. Originally, the game doesn´t enable Bump-Map.

But i have a problem, my sims are oily :confused: .

Why not The Sims 2 supports Shader Model 3.0?

Body Meshes, skins, hairstyles meshes: Visit my page http://guppysims.05c.net/ (Spanish language, but there are icons)
Test Subject
#153 Old 16th Apr 2005 at 2:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by micl2u
I have a FX5200 card so wasn't expecting the bumps ...but wow! I got big bumps. I had placed 'boolProp useShaders true' in my usercheats folder for the better pool. Could this be why my settings are set to true in GR.sgr?

It's because "useshaders" also enables vertex shaders functionality (Vertex Shader is used in the pool)

Body Meshes, skins, hairstyles meshes: Visit my page http://guppysims.05c.net/ (Spanish language, but there are icons)
Test Subject
#154 Old 19th Apr 2005 at 8:03 PM
There probably wasn't any need to at the time since, Shader Model 2.0 was enough for what was supported in game and they didn't run into this glitch. Also another reason for the lack of support for Shader Model 3.0, is that mainstream cards didn't appear till the latter half of 2004,which by that time is way to late as the game was near already shipping, not really all that smart to implement something only a small fraction of your users will use, maybe this will be fixed in a later expansion pack when more Shader Model 3.0 hardware is avaialble.
Test Subject
#155 Old 20th Apr 2005 at 12:16 AM
Ok...I tested it with GeForce FX 5500/128 MB (lol..it actually sounds as if I know what I'm talking about...XD) the undie bumps didn't show. I edited the files as described, and now it workds like a charm. Thanks bunches!
#156 Old 25th Apr 2005 at 3:21 AM
I got bump maps to work with a 6800 Geforce Ultra just by using the RivaTuner hack. Nothing needed to be done config/graphic files.
Lab Assistant
#157 Old 26th Apr 2005 at 4:13 PM
Semloh, akros, and everyone searching for solutions--thanks so much. Bump maps are showing up with my GF 6800 now. I modified the .gsr files but had to use the Rivatuner. Haven't tested it in the game yet, but they look great in BodyShop. Thanks again!
Test Subject
#158 Old 29th Apr 2005 at 4:55 AM
Default Worked Great
Bump mapping wasn't originally enabled for me with my Geforce FX 5500 256 MB card, but editing the file worked beautifully and the bump mapping is gorgeous.
My computer hardware itself is probably helping things along too:
- 2 GB Dual-Channel PC 3200 RAM
- 4 GHZ Pentium 4

Kudos for this guide and the Bump Testing clothing, I am in your debt.
Test Subject
#159 Old 29th Apr 2005 at 7:38 AM
First, thanks to all that have contributed in figuring this stuff out. Man, what a world of difference it makes!

Next, I used the bump map tester undies on both machines I play TS2 on, one uses a GF FX 5950 ultra card, the other has an ATI 9600XT (replaced the GF4 Ti4200 it had as it would not do bump mapping). Without any editing outlined in the initial post the ATI 9600XT shows the bump map loud and clear, I mean it almost comes out of the screen at you, LOL. It also shows up on the box with the FX 5950 ultra but the bump mapping displays rather faintly, requiring me to rotate around the sim to see the lettering.

I thought I read something else here in this thread yesterday to the same effect, but after having scanned the post from start to finish can not find it now. So my question is, is the difference in the two cards rendering of the bump mapping normal (ATI shows it rather boldly and the FX rather lightly)? Or do I still need to go in and tweak the files mentioned on the box with the FX 5950?
Field Researcher
#160 Old 29th Apr 2005 at 11:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by coldpower27
DirectX 8.1 Pixel Shader 1.4 & Vertex Shader 1.1 (No BUMPS)
Radeon 8500, 9000, 9100, 9200

DirectX 9.0 Hardware Shader Model 2.0 (YES Bump Mapping can be enabled)
Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800

.. So I have a Radeon 9200 and I can't get bump maps to work, but i'f i had the next model it would work.

*please tell me I haven't understand well*
Lab Assistant
#161 Old 15th May 2005 at 8:37 AM
So know one has found away to fix ATI 9200?
I hope some one can get it working for 9200!

#162 Old 20th May 2005 at 5:28 AM
I have a GeForce FX5500 and after the changes you suggested everything looks great.It's like a new game.Now I've got to learn how these work and fix some things that do look odd now(because the bump maps weren't changed).Thanks again for helping us see things the way they should be.
Forum Resident
#163 Old 20th May 2005 at 7:27 AM
I also have a Radeon.. bought exclusive for this game. The one with the remote..
I just put the file in and there it was with all the writing on it..
I am a very happy that it does.. LOL
Sorry not very technically savy... I just know its working

Thank you very much for the easy to do test.
Test Subject
#164 Old 20th May 2005 at 8:23 AM
All that editing work when all you really have to do is put the three lines in your userStartup.cheat file:

boolProp useShaders true
boolProp skipTangentsInVertexData false
boolProp bumpMapping true

And it overrides everything else. I never could get the changes to the .SGR files to work for some reason but tinkering with the startup file did the trick for both game and BS.

Thanks guys! (and gals)
Field Researcher
#165 Old 20th May 2005 at 10:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2DW
So know one has found away to fix ATI 9200?
I hope some one can get it working for 9200!

Radeon 9200 doesn't support bump mapping, there's no way to get it working.

-.-' I hate ATI -.-'
Lab Assistant
#166 Old 22nd May 2005 at 7:47 AM
Awwww know where I can get a cheap video card that will support it?
Test Subject
#167 Old 22nd May 2005 at 9:19 AM
Many thanks to everyone who contributed. My 6600 now shows Bumps but it is a shame to have to reset the card whenever I change games.
Never mind, I am very pleased that you guys have solved this.
Lab Assistant
#168 Old 22nd May 2005 at 9:59 AM
I have a GeForce 2 mx/mx 400 64mb... so i won't even bother testing it, since i know it doesn't show bumps...
But I have just ordered (yesterday) a GeForce FX5900xt I am sooo looking forward to seeing the game in all *if not most* of its glory... Then i'll test the bumps... hehe
Lab Assistant
#169 Old 22nd May 2005 at 10:00 AM
So, I had a feeling mine wouldn't work, and I was right. It was one of those in that list someone pointed out a couple pages ago. I have an NVIDIA Geforce2 GTS. But anyways, I don't even know if it'll work to fix it, either, since it didn't say there was hope.

I included some attachments of what happened to me when i tried to reword the .txt files that semloh gave. I didn't even find that txt file she was talking about. I made sure I was in the correct folder. If my card doesn't allow bumpmapping, does it just not show up or something?
Test Subject
#170 Old 26th May 2005 at 11:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TheBlindBat
All that editing work when all you really have to do is put the three lines in your userStartup.cheat file:

boolProp useShaders true
boolProp skipTangentsInVertexData false
boolProp bumpMapping true

And it overrides everything else. I never could get the changes to the .SGR files to work for some reason but tinkering with the startup file did the trick for both game and BS.

Thanks guys! (and gals)

This did the trick for me! Thanks so much! I totally appreciate it!
Field Researcher
#171 Old 2nd Jun 2005 at 8:44 AM Last edited by simaddict99 : 2nd Jun 2005 at 9:19 AM.
I'm confused I have a NVidia GeForce FX5500 256Mb. it didn't show when i tested, I made the changes and it still doesn't show? But others with the same card got it to show? what's wrong?

update_ I got it to work. i have uni installed so I had to change both files in Uni as well
question, I assume this means if I get nightlife i'll have to make the same aajustments after installing it?
Field Researcher
#172 Old 2nd Jun 2005 at 1:45 PM
Oh, I haven't tested this on my game. Thanks for pointing this out, I'll test the bump mapping feature in my game as soon as I return home. I'm assuming that it'll work, because I have a Geforce FX 5700 LE (256 MB)
Field Researcher
#173 Old 2nd Jun 2005 at 4:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TheBlindBat
All that editing work when all you really have to do is put the three lines in your userStartup.cheat file:

boolProp useShaders true
boolProp skipTangentsInVertexData false
boolProp bumpMapping true

And it overrides everything else. I never could get the changes to the .SGR files to work for some reason but tinkering with the startup file did the trick for both game and BS.

Thanks guys! (and gals)

This did the trick for me too, thanks. I'd also like to thank the original poster for a great test and everyone else for sharing your knowledge.
Field Researcher
#174 Old 3rd Jun 2005 at 12:57 AM Last edited by metalfenix : 3rd Jun 2005 at 2:59 AM.
My results: Semloh, I tried your clothes and looks exactly like picture B, both in Bodyshop and in the game! It's fantastic to see that effect in the clothes.

And I didn't had to touch anything in my pc, so I guess that bump mapping was enabled in the first place.
My specs:
Pentium IV 3.00 GHz
GeForce FX 5700 LE (256 MB)
Lab Assistant
#175 Old 5th Jun 2005 at 4:07 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for all those who have contributed info to this thread - I now have bump mapping working on my GF 6800 & it looks fine.
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