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Lilac Pets

3,977 Downloads 134 Thanks  Thanks 30 Favourited 8,272 Views
Uploaded: 13th Mar 2019 at 12:58 AM
More Lilac goodies, this time for pets! All Maxis recolours, no custom meshes, everything compressorized, action figures sold separately. I didn't recolour every single item in the Misc / Pets catalog, but there should be plenty for your sims' furry friends (and Crumplebottom's cat!) to enjoy.

Recolours Included
Kitty Kraze Katnip (§35)
Good Value Pet Bowl (§45)
Feline Birdie Stick (§60)
The Chewinator by ChompCo. (§55)
Scientifically Superior Pet Dish (§80)
Scratch-O-Matic Scratching Post (§100)
Mentionable Plastic Litter Box (§150)
Comfy Pet Pillow (§160)
FMCU 3000 (§250)
The Comfy Critter Pallet (§375)
Los Gatos Condominiums (§450)
Average Paws Bedding (§550)

The Basket Experience recolours included in Lilac Living Room.
Lilac Pets: Accept No Substitutes! In your grocer's freezer.

PS: Pets EP required. (>_<)

Additional Credits:
Thanks so much to Numenor, Quaxi, RGiles, and everyone who contributed to CEP and SimPE!