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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#1 Old 10th Nov 2023 at 1:30 AM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 3, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Default Loading screen stuck on "Travelling Home"
Help. My sims can't return home from a vacation(egipt). Endless loading screen, but I can hear sonds from game. I have Nraas mods: like MC, Error trap, Traveller etc
I've been playing this save for a while, and my sim families have traveled to china and university before, all was fine.
What i already tryed to solve this problem:
-reset homeworld before vacation
-reset vacation world
-load homeworld in Edit Town mode before returning from a vacation
-delete all Cache files (worldcache too)
-delete Egypt...DB.package
Nothing has helped.
I tried traveling to Egypt again but the same thing happens, even if another family from that town goes.
I created a brand new world, created a character and sent him to egypt, he came back home with no problem. (but appears in Consignment Store)
I have crashlog from traweller mod , maybe someone can help me with it

Mad Poster
#2 Old 10th Nov 2023 at 5:10 PM
Generally speaking, NRaas is a much better place to post about such issues and script logs. But we would need to see more logs (got any from ErrorTrap?), and the files in their entirety not just excerpts, to help better determine what's going wrong on re-entry there. Without more information to go on, i suspect a damaged Role Manager which the NRaas Register mod should help fix if it's not already present.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 10th Nov 2023 at 6:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Generally speaking, NRaas is a much better place to post about such issues and script logs. But we would need to see more logs (got any from ErrorTrap?), and the files in their entirety not just excerpts, to help better determine what's going wrong on re-entry there. Without more information to go on, i suspect a damaged Role Manager which the NRaas Register mod should help fix if it's not already present.

I have crashlog only from Nraas traveller. And i have Register too
Attached files:
File Type: rar  ScriptError_Kate__11-10-2023__19-27-36__1A9B9C80.rar (2.3 KB, 5 downloads)
Mad Poster
#4 Old 10th Nov 2023 at 9:05 PM
Can we give this another try without Simler90's Core Mod? It is in no way compatible with NRaas mods and officially we can't even begin to help with issues like this when it is present.

If you get exactly the same results, I suggest bringing the script error and/or any new ones over to us there so our developer can see and comment on it. But please be sure to point out that Simer90's mod was present until you just removed it, in case he finds that relevant.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 11th Nov 2023 at 2:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Can we give this another try without Simler90's Core Mod? It is in no way compatible with NRaas mods and officially we can't even begin to help with issues like this when it is present.

If you get exactly the same results, I suggest bringing the script error and/or any new ones over to us there so our developer can see and comment on it. But please be sure to point out that Simer90's mod was present until you just removed it, in case he finds that relevant.

I removed the consignment store in town, then placed it again. Next step - sent the family on a vacation, and they finaly came back from that trip!
However, the same script error still appeared.

Today I removed the Simler90's Core mod as you advised ( I made the same with the consignment store), the sims also returned from vacation, but the script error is still present
Attached files:
File Type: rar  ScriptError_Kate__11-11-2023__16-31-41__35F737B9.rar (2.3 KB, 4 downloads)
Mad Poster
#6 Old 11th Nov 2023 at 4:46 PM
That's about the extent of the assistance I can offer here except to suggest again that you bring the issue, script log, and explanation of when it gets triggered to us at NRaas. Our developer does not maintain a presence here at MTS.
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