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Updated April 8 Recolors Brasstex's Arabian, Castle, & Monstery Roofs

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Uploaded: 5th Apr 2005 at 2:17 AM
Updated: 16th Oct 2005 at 6:45 PM - Adding more sets and pictures
Taking a break from my current Trashed Project of a community rundown store. (damn those food shrine freezers...)

I decided to play around with the material definitions a bit (thanks rgiles, for posting how to add shine to skins) and ended up making metallic reflective roof pieces. For these recolors to work you must have Brasstex's base meshes. For his domes you can get them at Arabian Fortress
For the castle pieces you can get them at Castle Roof Pieces and More.

The Monstery Roofs and other wonderful pieces not pictured can be had from Mountain Monstery
Please make sure you get the color enabled packages.

Both Arabian and Castle sets come with recolors that are dull (well, not shiny). Here I offer the first of a series of metallic recolors for these meshes in a golden tone. There is also my attempt at a mosaic covered big dome. I'm not overly happy with it, and am thinking about attempting to do one that looks like stained glass...Perhaps by placing a series of lights inside it with a cheat it could look really cool....

Please give feedback. I am pondering if the shine on these is correct (And Um, no...the shine on the first set was not what I was going for, but I'll leave them up for those who like them anyhow). I will add additional colors shortly.

Adding some of those additional colors. I bring you a corrected Gold, Copper, and Reflective White. More to follow...I am taking suggestions if anyone has them.

I have another color: my attempt at a gunmetal blue.